The Pashupatinath Temple (Nepali: पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर)
is a celebrated, hallowed Hindu sanctuary devoted to Pashupatinath and is
situated on the banks of the Bagmati River 5 kilometers north-east of Kathmandu
Valley in the eastern piece of Kathmandu,[1] the capital of Nepal. This
sanctuary is viewed as one of the holy sanctuaries of Hindu confidence .The
sanctuary fills in as the seat of the national divinity, Lord
Pashupatinath.This sanctuary complex is on UNESCO World Heritage Sites' rundown
Since 1979.[2][3] This "broad Hindu sanctuary area" is a
"sprawling accumulation of sanctuaries, ashrams, pictures and engravings
raised throughout the hundreds of years along the banks of the sacrosanct
Bagmati stream" and is incorporated as one of the seven landmark bunches
in UNESCO's assignment of Kathmandu Valley as a social legacy site.[4] One of
the real Festivals of the sanctuary is Maha Shivaratri on which day more than
800,000 fans visit here.[5]
The twelve Jyotirlinga (in India) are the body and the
Jyotirlinga at Pashupatinath in Kathmandu (Nepal) is the head over this body.
The sanctuary is one of the 275 Tamil Paadal Petra Sthalams
(Holy Abodes of Shiva) on the mainland. Kotirudra Samhita, Chapter 11 on the
Shivalingas of the North, in Shiva Purana says this Shivalinga as the bestower
of all desires.
The sanctuary was raised once again in the fifteenth century
by Lichhavi King Shupuspa after the past building was devoured by termites.[6]
Over time, endless further sanctuaries have been raised around this two -
storied sanctuary. These incorporate the Vaishnava sanctuary complex with a Ram
sanctuary from the fourteenth century and the Guhyeshwari Temple specified in
an eleventh century original copy.
Legend encompassing the source of the temple
Pashupatinath Temple is the most seasoned Hindu sanctuary in
Kathmandu. It is not known for certain when Pashupatinath Temple was
constructed. Be that as it may, as indicated by Nepal Mahatmaya and
Himvatkhanda,[7] the divinity here increased extraordinary distinction there as
Pashupati, the Lord of all Pashus, which are living and in addition non-living
creatures. Pashupatinath Temple's presence goes back to 400 B.C. The
luxuriously ornamented pagoda houses the hallowed linga or blessed image of
Lord Shiva. There are numerous legends depicting regarding how the sanctuary of
Lord Pashupatinath came to presence here. Some of them are described
The Cow Legend
Legend says that Lord Shiva once appeared as an eland and
donned obscure in the timberland on Bagmati stream's east bank. The divine
beings later made up for lost time with him and snatching him by the horn,
constrained him to continue his celestial shape. The broken horn was revered as
a linga yet after some time it was covered and lost. Hundreds of years after
the fact bewildered herders discovered one of his bovines giving the earth
drain. Burrowing profound at the site, he found the heavenly linga of
The Lichchhavi Legend
As per Gopalraj Vamsavali, the most seasoned ever account in
Nepal, this sanctuary was worked by Supuspa Deva, a Lichchhavi King, who as
indicated by the stone engraving raised by Jayadeva 11 in the yard of
Pashupatinath in 753 AD, happened to be the ruler 39 eras before Manadeva
(464-505 AD).
The Devalaya Legend
Another account expresses that Pashupatinath Temple was as
Linga formed Devalaya before Supuspa Deva built a five story sanctuary of
Pashupatinath in this place. As the time passed, the requirement for repairing
and remodeling this sanctuary emerged. It is learnt that this sanctuary was
remade by a medieval King named Shivadeva (1099-1126 AD). It was revamped by
Ananta Malla adding a rooftop to it.[8][9] Thousands of pioneers from
everywhere throughout the world come to pay reverence to this sanctuary, that
is otherwise called 'The Temple of Living Beings'.
Other beliefs
There are a few complex stories including the birthplaces of
Pashupatinath. One story goes, in a nutshell, that Shiva and Parvati went to
the Kathmandu Valley and rested by the Bagmati while on a trip. Shiva was so
awed by its magnificence and the encompassing woodland that he and Parvati
changed themselves into deer and strolled into the backwoods. Many spots in the
Kathmandu Valley have been recognized as spots where Shiva went amid his time as
a deer. Before long, the general population and divine beings started to look
for Shiva. At long last, after different inconveniences, they discovered him in
the timberland, yet he declined to take off. More confusions followed, in any
case Lord Shiva declared that, since he had lived by the Bagmati stream in a
deer's shape, he would now be known as Pashupatinath, Lord of all creatures. It
is said that whoever came here and observed the lingam that showed up there
would not be renewed as a creature.
Finding of Shiva Linga at Pashupatinath Temple
It is said that the desire satisfying cow Kamadhenu took
shield in a surrender on the Chandravan mountain. Regular Kamadhenu went down
to the place the lingam was indented into the dirt and poured her drain over
the dirt. Following a couple of thousand years a few people saw Kamadhenu
pouring milk on that same detect each day, and began to ponder what that would
be. So they expelled the dirt and found the delightful sparkling lingam and
began worshiping it.
Pashupatinath Temple Panorama of the Pashupatinath Temple
from the other bank of Bagmati stream, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sanctuary complex
The region of Pashupatinath envelops 264 hectares of land
including 518 sanctuaries and monuments.[2] Main pagoda style sanctuary is
situated in the braced patio inside the complex monitored by Semi-Military
Nepal Police and Military Force Nepal Army and has a police station alongside
living quarter inside. Before the western entryway, there is an enormous statue
Nandi bull, in bronze. Alongside numerous sanctuaries and places of worship of
both Vaishnav and saiva custom.
Sanctuaries and Shrines in the internal courtyard
Vasuki Nath emple
Unmatta Bhairav Temple
Surya narayan Temple
Kirti mukh bhairav place of worship
Budanil kantha place of worship
Hanuman place of worship
184 shivaling place of worship
Sanctuaries and Shrines in the external complex
Smash mandir
Virat swaroop sanctuary
12 jyotirlingha and Pandra Shivalaya
Guhyeshwari Temple
Pashupati sanctuary environment
Primary sanctuary architecture
This primary sanctuary is worked in the Nepalese pagoda
style of design. Every one of the elements of pagoda style are established here
like cubic developments, flawlessly cut wooden rafters on which they rest
(tundal). The two level rooftops are of copper with gold covering. The
sanctuary lives on a square base stage with a tallness of 23m 7 cm from base to
zenith. It has four fundamental entryways, all secured with silver sheets. This
sanctuary has a gold apex (Gajur).Inside are two Garbhagrihas, external and
inner.The inward garbhagriha or sanctum sanctorum is the place the symbol is
set and external sanctum is an open passage like space.
The Deity
The sacro sanctum, or the principle symbol is a stone
Mukhalinga with a silver yoni base bound with the silver serpent.The lingam is
one meter high and has confronted in four directions.These faces speak to
different parts of Shiva; Sadyojata (otherwise called Barun), Vamdeva
(otherwise called Ardha Nareshwor), Tatpurusha, Aghor and Ishana (imaginative).Facing
West, North, East, South and Zenith separately speaking to five essential
components to be specific earth, water, air, light and ether.[10] Each face has
little distending hands holding rudraksha mala on right hand and a kamandalu on
the other.Unlike other Shiva lingams in India and Nepal this Pashupati Shiva
lingam is constantly Dressed in its brilliant vastra aside from amid
abhishakam, so pouring milk and Ganga Jal is just conceivable amid abhishakam
through the primary clerics.
Raghavendra Bhat (right) and Girish Bhatt in customary 4-5
kg substantial Priestly garb[11] of Pashupatinath Temple
The interesting component of this sanctuary is that lone 4
clerics can touch the icon. Day by day ceremonies of Pashupatinath are done by
two arrangements of ministers ; one being the Bhatt clerics and other Bhandari.
Bhatta or Bhatt are the person who plays out the day by day custom and can
touch the lingam, though Bhadaris are the aide and sanctuary overseer clerics
who are not met all requirements to perform pooja ceremonies or to touch the
Bhatta likewise spelt as Bhattare very taught Vedic Dravida
Brahmin Scholars from Karnataka. Dissimilar to other Hindu sanctuaries,
organization of Pashupatinath is not innate. Ministers are chosen from a
gathering of researchers taught by Shri Shankaracharya Dakshinamnaya Peeth
Sringeri on Rig Vedic Recitation, started in Pashupata Yoga by Kashi Math,Shiva
Āgama and took in Recitation of Samaveda from Haridwar.After qualifying and
satisfying each one of those criteria they will be chosen for Priesthood by Raj
Guru of Pashupatinath Temple experiencing strict examination on Vedas and Shiva
Agamas and afterward the qualifies are sent to Kathmandu for performing Puja
and Daily Worship of Lord Shri Pashupatinath This convention is accounted for
to have begun by the demand of Adi Shankaracharya in the eighth century, who
tried to bind together the diverse conditions of Bharatam (Unified India) by
empowering social trade. This methodology is additionally followed in different
sanctuaries around Bharata-varsa which were blessed by Adi Shankaracharya.
The exceptional component of this sanctuary is that
exclusive 4 Bhatta clerics can touch the god. Current Bhatt ministers of the
sanctuary are;
Ganesh Bhat (fifteenth head minister of the Pashupatinath
Temple otherwise known as Mool Bhat) from Udupi.[11]
Slam Karanth Bhat from Mangaluru.[11]
Girish Bhat from Sirsi.[11]
Narayan Bhat(Recently delegated) from Bhatkal[11]
Raghavendra Bhat (Priest for Vasuki Nath sanctuary as it
Likewise called Rajbhandari are the treasurers, sanctuary
overseers, and associate cleric of the temple.[2] These Bhandaris are the
relatives of aide ministers raised by early Bhatts, yet were permitted to
settle in Kathmandu valley and later absorbed in existing Newar rank of
Rajbhandari - a high-standing Chathariya/Kshatriya faction of Kashyapa gotra.
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